Innovative ventilation system for site communities

Ludwig Schunk Foundation donates five Vindur LayVents

  • Ludwig Schunk Foundation donates five Vindur LayVents
    [Translate to Koreanisch:] Von links: Lars Burkhard Steinz (Bürgermeister Heuchelheim), Dr. Bernd Wieczorek (Bürgermeister Lollar), Rüdiger Schwalm (Schunk), Patricia Ortmann (Bürgermeisterin Biebertal), David Kurtscheidt (Schunk), Thomas Brunner (Bürgermeister Wettenberg), Gunthard Sommer (Schunk), Dietmar Kromm (Bürgermeister Reiskirchen) und Dr. Arno Roth (Schunk).

As a sign of its good partnership, the Schunk Group is supporting its five Hessian site municipalities this year in the form of a high-tech donation in kind: Each municipality will receive a Vindur LayVent layer ventilation system as a gift - including installation and one year of free maintenance.

The five mayors - Thomas Brunner (Wettenberg), Dietmar Kromm (Reiskirchen), Patricia Ortmann (Biebertal), Lars Burkhard Steinz (Heuchelheim), Dr. Bernd Wieczorek (Lollar) - received a voucher for the installation of a layer ventilation system during a visit to Schunk's corporate headquarters in Heuchelheim. Vindur LayVent is a new product from Weiss Technik. Weiss Technik is part of the Schunk Group.

"It has become a good tradition for Schunk to support its site communities with a donation for social purposes," said Gunthard Sommer, chairman of the Ludwig Schunk Foundation. "This is where most of our active and former employees live, and we are pleased when they also benefit from a good social network in the communities."

This year, however, Schunk is not targeting the elderly with its donation, but rather younger people: The Vindur LayVent layer ventilation units will preferably be used in the schools of the communities. One classroom at a time can be ventilated in such a way that viruses no longer stand a chance.

High-tech ventilation to combat viruses

With Vindur LayVent, Weiss Technik uses its decades of experience in air-conditioning technology to solve the two problems that arise wherever people sit in a room for long periods of time - such as students in a classroom. First, everyone is constantly exhaling CO2. This worsens the air quality and people get tired. Even if the room is ventilated regularly, the air quality deteriorates again after a short time. Secondly, viruses are transmitted through the air, such as corona or flu viruses. How can the risk of infection be reduced if an infected person is also in the room? Conventional ventilation systems and air purifiers create air turbulence in the room - this can actually promote the transmission of viruses from person to person.

The innovation is called layered ventilation

Vindur LayVent from Weiss Technik works on the principle of layered ventilation. Vindur LayVent brings fresh outside air into the room close to the floor and at low velocity. There, a layer of fresh air forms on the floor. Every person gives off heat. The heated ambient air rises, taking with it the stale breathing air and pathogens. This air collects under the ceiling, where it is extracted and led outside. This air routing creates layers of air in the room that do not mix with each other.

Clean air thanks to intelligent control

Layered ventilation is ideal wherever there is little movement of people - such as in a classroom. The risk of infection can be virtually eliminated with this ventilation principle. Vindur LayVent is intelligent, because the layered ventilation unit automatically controls how much fresh air is supplied to the room depending on the number of people. Expensive HEPA filters are not necessary. Vindur LayVent is space-saving, works quietly and always ensures a pleasant indoor climate and fresh breathing air - without the feeling of drafts. Comfort at low outdoor temperatures is ensured by heat recovery and an additional electric heater. This makes Vindur LayVent perfect for preventing the spread of viruses in schools, for example.

"Schunk is a long-term oriented company, partnership is one of our core values. That's why it's important to us that we support our five location communities and make a contribution with our layer ventilation units so that students can once again safely and reliably go to their face-to-face classes," Sommer continued.

이 언론 기사에 대한 담당자:

Dr. Neill Busse

Schunk Group의 홍보담당자

Tel.: +49 641 608 - 2285

Rodheimer Straße 59
35452 Heuchelheim

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