Foundation stone ceremony at Xycarb Ceramics

Schunk Group expands and modernizes site in Helmond

  • Schunk Group expands and modernizes site in Helmond
    [Translate to Russisch:] Grundsteinlegung bei Xycarb Ceramics (von links): Peter Spit (CEO Xycarb Ceramics), Dr. Arno Roth (Vorsitzender der Unternehmensleitung der Schunk Group), Arjen Costermans (COO Xycarb Ceramics), Dr. Jan Gupta (COO Schunk Group) und Elly Blanksma-van den Heuvel (Bürgermeisterin Helmond).

With the start of the construction of the international headquarters and factory facilities, the Schunk Group shows commitment in its Xycarb Ceramics Business Unit and visibly expands the activities of its semiconductor and opto-electronics business at the Helmond location.

On Thursday, a ceremony marking the foundation stone of the new Xycarb Ceramics headquarters has been attended by the mayor of Helmond, Elly Blanksma-van den Heuvel, Dr. Arno Roth, CEO of the Schunk Group and Dr. Jan Gupta, COO of the Schunk Group.

The event was held at the Zuiddijk 23 in Helmond in the Netherlands, close to the location of Xycarb Ceramics’ original office building. This milestone marked the beginning of the construction of both the office and factory facilities located at the Zuiddijk.

Today, the mayor of Helmond and the CEO and COO of the Schunk Group were received by Peter Spit, the CEO of Xycarb Ceramics, and Arjen Costermans, the COO of Xycarb Ceramics. In addition, the ceremony was attended by a delegation of the Xycarb staff who will be working at the new facilities.

Highlights of the ceremony include placing the foundation stone and the various speeches by the dignitaries.
At the ceremony, Dr. Roth, CEO of the Schunk Group, stated: “With an investment of around 18 million euros, we would like to modernize and further expand the capabilities that are represented at the site. The investment emphasizes Helmond’s importance as a center for semiconductor business of our Carbon Technology Division.”

In his speech, Spit emphasized: “The occasion marks an important milestone in the timeline of Xycarb, enabling the modernization of our facilities to strengthen the company’s business growth ambitions in the high-tech semiconductor and optoelectronics industry. The modern facilities are designed in an integral way so that they support Xycarb’s core competencies of ‘collaboration’, ‘innovation’ and ‘customer focus’”.

At the factory site, the state-of-the-art installations that are being built, meet the most stringent quality requirements to be able to grow in the innovation-driven semiconductor and opto-electronics industry.
This investment will enable further growth for Xycarb and will make a significant contribution to the local economy and employment opportunities. It is an important milestone for Xycarb that is also making future investments possible.

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